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STUDENT DEVELOPER, Google Summer of Code, Remote
(May 2018-Aug 2018)
- Remote internship for the International Neuroinformatics Coordinating Facility, Stockholm, Sweden
- Built a dynamic workflow designer to assist the development of EEG systems for the motion-impaired
- Java EE, Apache Spark and Hadoop based open-source reflection-based framework for visual programming
SYSTEM AUTOMATION ENGINEER, Defence Research and Development Organization, Hyderabad, India
(Jul 2017-Nov 2017)
- Developed 3 Java-based desktop applications for monitoring and controlling microwave subsystems
- Automated generation of experiment reports with high-speed data acquisition systems for scientists
- Worked with MATLAB, Java(Swing), Visual C++, Socket Programming, TCP/IP networks
- Reduced typical experiment duration from about 20 hours to under 30 minutes
LEAD SOFTWARE ENGINEER, Lawcunae (May 2017-Dec 2017)
- A search engine, annotation, collaboration and social-networking on a legal database for the Indian judiciary
- Designed the system requirements specification(SRS), system architecture, database schema, data-flow
- Led a team of 5 developers from a 3rd party organization remotely on a SCRUM model for the client
- Recruited developers, carried out daily task allocation, code review and eXtreme programming sessions
- Technology-stack used was Node.js, Angular.js, ElasticSearch, PostgreSQL, MongoDB and Neo4j
BACK-END DEVELOPER, Cairn Oil & Gas, Rajasthan, India (Jan 2017-May 2017)
- Led a team of 3 developers to create an Android application and API server for Cairn India
- The app was used to manage the CSR activities like primary education, water supply and health services
- Over 100 downloads in the first week of launch, voluntary effort awarded by the Chief Minister of Rajasthan, India.
SOFTWARE ENGINEER, Ryoking, Jaipur, India (Sep 2016-Nov 2017)
- Transformed client‘s idea into an IOT web-server, APIs and Android Application for the project
- Technology stack included JavaEE, MySQL and Tomcat deployed on an AWS cloud
- Hosts real-time tracking, alerts, emergency support and data analytics, playback of trips
- The startup has won state-government awards and received funding
LEAD DEVELOPER, Indian Institute of Information Kota Student Registration Portal (Jan 2016-July 2016)
- Led a team of 26 developers in class on an iterative model to build a student registration portal for the university
- Developed multiple modules and trained team to use JavaEE, PostgreSQL, Neo4j, LDAP, FTP, Tomcat
- The portal was used for the registration of 220 incoming students in Fall 2016
FULL-STACK DEVELOPER, Indian Institute of Information Technology, Bombay (Dec 2015-Jan 2016)
- Developed a recruitment portal for IITB using JavaEE and a screen recording utility for ‘Spoken tutorials‘
- Contributed to technology discussions of NGO projects like LokVidya and LokaCart